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Pave Your Way to Picture Book Triumph: A Soulful Guide


Hello, fellow creators! If you’re reading this, you likely share my passion for bringing stories to life through the pages of a children’s picture book. My name is Bemmygail, and I’ve been immersed in the world of self-publishing for over 12 years. As an author, illustrator, animator, and formatter, I’ve had the joy of crafting multiple picture books that now grace the shelves of readers worldwide. You can find my works on Amazon, a testament to the countless hours poured into each story’s creation.

But my journey extends beyond my own creations. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of assisting numerous authors in their self-publishing endeavors. From designing and editing to formatting and marketing, I’ve worn many hats in the publishing process. Whether it’s creating captivating illustrations, crafting compelling narratives, or producing eye-catching marketing materials, I’ve dedicated myself to helping authors bring their visions to life.

In this blog, I’m excited to share my wealth of knowledge and experience with you as we delve into the intricate process of self-publishing a children’s picture book. Together, we’ll navigate the steps involved in transforming your concept into a beautifully printed reality. So, let’s embark on this journey of creativity, innovation, and storytelling excellence. Welcome to the world of self-publishing—a realm where dreams become books and imagination knows no bounds.


Begin by brainstorming ideas for your children’s picture book. Consider various themes, characters, and storylines, jotting them down as they come to mind. Don’t worry about whether they’re good or bad at this stage—simply let your creativity flow. Once you have a list of ideas, review and evaluate them based on your desired book concept. Choose the idea that aligns best with your vision and resonates with your target audience. Develop this chosen concept into a captivating storyline with engaging characters that children will love.

Document Preparation

Write your story using a document file, such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Scribus, or OneNote. Utilize these online platforms to ensure your manuscript is securely stored in the cloud, preventing loss of your work. By using cloud-based software, such as OneNote with seamless integration and cloud storage, you can access your manuscript from any device and collaborate with others easily. Pay attention to formatting and organization, preparing your manuscript for further development and eventual printing.


Before proceeding further, it’s crucial to enlist the expertise of a professional editor. A professional editor, whether they hold a Ph.D. or possess a distinguished portfolio of edited works, brings invaluable skills to the table. Their keen eye for detail, linguistic expertise, and editorial finesse can elevate your manuscript to new heights of excellence.

Hiring a professional editor is not just about catching errors; it’s about refining your manuscript to its fullest potential. Whether it’s ensuring coherence in storytelling, polishing prose for readability, or fine-tuning grammar and punctuation, an editor’s touch can make all the difference in the final product.

It’s essential to budget for professional editing services ahead of time, as any seasoned editor rightfully expects compensation for their expertise and time. Investing in professional editing is an investment in the quality and professionalism of your book—an investment that will pay dividends in the form of reader satisfaction and critical acclaim.

Professional Illustration

When it comes to bringing your story to life visually, it’s essential to work with a skilled illustrator. However, it’s not just about collaboration—it’s about ensuring fair compensation for the talents and efforts of the individuals working on your book. Just as you would pay a plumber to fix your broken sink or an electrician to repair faulty wiring, compensating illustrators for their work is a fundamental aspect of ethical authorship.

As you embark on the search for the perfect illustrator, consider these key factors. Begin by examining each illustrator’s portfolio to gauge their artistic style and suitability for your project. Look for illustrations that resonate with your narrative and appeal to your target audience. Additionally, delve into the illustrator’s testimonials and professional background to assess their credibility and track record

Avoid requesting free samples from illustrators—a practice that amounts to exploitation. Instead, focus on evaluating their existing body of work and client testimonials. Steer clear of illustrators who rely on AI-generated art, as these lack the soul and passion that only a human touch can imbue. Opt for artists whose illustrations breathe life into your story, captivating readers with their authenticity and creativity.

When you’ve identified potential candidates, consider initiating a paid test job to assess their suitability further. Start with a small portion of the project, such as illustrating the first page, before committing to the entire endeavor. This approach allows you to evaluate the illustrator’s work firsthand and ensure alignment with your vision.

Prior to formalizing the collaboration, establish clear expectations and parameters through a comprehensive contract. Define the scope of the project, including licensing rights, deadlines, and compensation terms, to protect both parties’ interests.

Remember, while the illustrations are an integral part of your book, they are ultimately a product of collaboration between author and illustrator. By valuing and compensating illustrators for their contributions, you not only uphold ethical standards but also foster a mutually respectful and rewarding creative partnership.

Cover Design and Formatting

Collaborate with a talented designer to craft an eye-catching cover that captures the essence of your book. While not all illustrators possess design skills, many can contribute creatively to cover design. However, it’s essential to engage a professional cover designer to ensure your book’s cover is expertly crafted and aligned with industry standards.

Book Cover Design

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $150.00.

Book Cover Design: Ready to unveil your masterpiece to the world, but missing that captivating cover? Fear not! Sit back and let me weave the magic for you. Get ready for a stunning design and illustration that will elevate your book to new heights!

A cover designer plays a pivotal role in translating your book’s concept into a visually captivating design. They will immerse themselves in your narrative, gaining a deep understanding of its essence and themes. With their expertise, they’ll offer professional advice and create a cover that resonates with your target audience.

Your cover design should encompass the front, back, and spine (if applicable) of your book. Since printers have varying specifications, your designer will tailor the cover file to meet these requirements, ensuring a seamless printing process.

30 Pages Children’s Book Formatting

Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $275.00.

30 Pages Children’s Book Formatting: Embark on the journey of turning your dream book into a reality! As both an author and illustrator, I understand the exhilaration of self-publishing a children’s book, novel, or comics. Now, I’m thrilled to extend my expertise to fellow aspiring authors.

Simultaneously, the formatting and typesetting of your book’s interior require meticulous attention to detail. This step involves consolidating your written work and illustrations into a cohesive interior book file. The formatter, often working in tandem with the cover designer, ensures consistency in font styles, colors, and overall theme throughout the book.

Formatting ensures your file meets the specifications of printers or online publishers, guaranteeing a smooth production process. Typesetting, on the other hand, focuses on fine-tuning elements such as font selection, alignment, and graphical embellishments. From determining the optimal placement of illustrations to enhancing readability through thoughtful typography, the typesetting process elevates the visual appeal and coherence of your book’s interior pages.

By entrusting the cover design and formatting to skilled professionals, you’ll not only enhance the visual appeal of your book but also ensure its adherence to industry standards. These essential steps pave the way for a polished and professional final product that captivates readers from cover to cover.

Build Online Presence

Establish a strong online presence as an author. Create author profiles on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share updates about your book’s progress, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and upcoming release dates to engage with your audience.

In addition to social media, consider implementing strategies to capture the interest of potential readers and cultivate a dedicated following. Start by collecting email addresses from interested readers through a dedicated landing page. Offer a draft copy of your book for review purposes, enticing readers to subscribe to your mailing list for future updates and exclusive content.

By leveraging email marketing and building a subscriber base, you can maintain direct communication with your audience, providing them with valuable insights, promotions, and updates about your book. A well-crafted landing page serves as a gateway for readers to connect with your work, fostering a sense of anticipation and community around your book release.

Offer Pre-Orders

Generate excitement and anticipation for your book by offering pre-order options to your audience. Create a buzz through social media, email newsletters, and promotional campaigns to drive pre-order sales.

Copyright Protection

Safeguard your intellectual property by obtaining copyright registration for your book title. While not mandatory, this step offers additional legal protection and safeguards your creative work from unauthorized use or infringement.

To register your copyright, you can visit the official copyright registration website, such as copyright.gov, and follow the provided instructions. This process involves submitting your book title along with any pertinent details to establish legal ownership and exclusive rights to your work.

It’s essential to recognize that copyright protection exists automatically upon the creation of your work. However, obtaining formal copyright registration offers several benefits, including the ability to seek legal recourse in the event of infringement and the establishment of a public record of your ownership rights.

By investing in copyright registration, you reinforce the legitimacy of your creative endeavors and establish a robust foundation for protecting your intellectual property rights. While optional, this proactive measure provides invaluable peace of mind and ensures the integrity and exclusivity of your book title.

ISBN Acquisition

Acquiring an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for your book is crucial for proper identification and distribution. Each format or edition of your book, including paperback, hardcover, and e-book versions, requires a unique ISBN.

To obtain ISBNs, you can purchase them from your country’s official ISBN agency or authorized resellers. Websites such as Bowker in the United States or Nielsen in the United Kingdom are reputable sources for ISBN acquisition.

It’s worth noting that some online platforms, such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and other self-publishing services, offer free ISBNs for books published through their platforms. While convenient, utilizing these free ISBNs may limit your printing and distribution options, as they typically tie your book to specific platforms and printing methods, such as print-on-demand.

By acquiring your own ISBNs, you gain greater flexibility and control over the distribution and printing of your book. This enables you to pursue custom printing options, wholesale distribution, and broader marketing strategies beyond online platforms. Ultimately, investing in your ISBNs empowers you to establish a distinct identity for your book and maximize its potential reach in the publishing marketplace.

Final File Adjustments

Make any necessary final adjustments to your manuscript, including updating the title, ISBN, and formatting. Ensure all files are print-ready and meet the printer’s specifications.


Selecting the right printer for your children’s picture book is crucial to ensuring the quality and success of your publication. Begin by researching reputable printers that specialize in producing children’s picture books. Look for printers with experience in handling similar projects and a proven track record of delivering high-quality results.

When requesting quotes from potential printers, be sure to inquire about all associated costs, including printing, shipping, and any additional fees. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of the total expenses involved to accurately assess the financial implications and potential revenue of your project.

Consider factors such as printing quality, paper options, and binding methods when evaluating printer options. Aim to strike a balance between quality and affordability, opting for a printer that offers competitive pricing without compromising on the standard of production.

Furthermore, explore whether the printer offers wholesale or bulk printing options, as this can significantly impact your overall costs and profit margins. By carefully considering all aspects of the printing process and associated expenses, you can make an informed decision and maximize the profitability of your children’s picture book.

Bulk Printing

Consider bulk printing for cost savings if your budget allows. Offset printing is often more economical for large print runs, especially if you plan to sell your picture book through multiple channels.


Explore various distribution channels for selling your picture book. Consider selling directly to readers through your website, online marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy, local bookstores, and schools.


Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to promote your picture book. Utilize social media, email marketing, author events, radio broadcasts, interviews, book signings, and collaborations with influencers to reach your target audience and drive sales.

Celebrate Success

Finally, take a moment to celebrate your achievements. Seeing your book in print and sharing it with readers is a significant accomplishment. Remember to thank everyone who supported you along the way, and continue pursuing your passion for storytelling.

Self-publishing a children’s picture book is a rewarding journey filled with creativity, challenges, and fulfillment. By following these detailed steps and staying committed to your vision, you can successfully bring your book to life and share it with the world. Embrace the journey, enjoy the process, and never stop dreaming big. Happy publishing!

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