You’re now browsing Playfulsparks Production BDP, but you don’t know where to start or how the process works here. No worries, we got you!
Book us a service by simply following these steps below so that you can have a fabulous illustration or animation ready for your projects.

Grab some coffee or tea, and chill for a moment, as I walk you through the straightforward process of hiring us or booking us an in-demand service. This advice is written by our team who accept countless orders and tirelessly help customers with their creative needs. We know it will be frustrating if you don’t understand how things work and might be afraid to try to do it out of nowhere. So, we hope this article will familiarize you with this uncomplicated process so that it’ll be easier to come back here anytime and easily book us your needs.
So again, relax, and read these steps. You can come back here anytime to follow the steps, and you’ll be in perfect hands. No more fear and confusion when browsing through our bookings area or stores. No worries, you’ll be guided with screenshots, so you won’t be confused.
Step #1 – Homepage
The homepage is simply the that you type on your browser. If you are unsure which page, you are on the site, you can type the site again or simply click on the logo at the top left corner. It will bring you back to the homepage. A pop-up shows up on some pages of the site, but you can simply close it by pressing the x button at the top right of the popup.

Step #2 – Bookings Menu
Hover over the navigation menu at the top. A drop-down will show up. You can choose any of the buttons, Bookings, Illustration, Animation, or Graphic Design. Each of these has functions and a separate page for your convenience. Pick what you need.

“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” –
Tom Fishburne
Step #3 – Illustration
So you’ve chosen a button. Let’s discuss the illustration page first. If you click it, it’ll take you to the illustration page where you’ll see a ton of valuable information about the illustration service we offer.

You can see that at first glance, you are presented with multiple videos, images, and content that are pleasing to the eyes. This first section serves as the portfolio for illustration.
Scroll down and you’ll see more useful information.

You’ll see here how we’ve arranged the services to have the option of Guided, Packages, FAQ, or Testimonials – all on one page. This way you can scroll and understand what the illustration process takes. It’s chronological on the mobile version as well. You may book one service, and all is explained in the box of each step, including the duration, how it will take us, and the price. If the price does not appear, you can click book it, or the photo inside the square to take you to the scheduling, from there you can see the price.
Illustration, Animation, and Graphic Design layout pages are the same. You can scroll down to see amazing testimonials too. We want you to feel confident and comfortable by showing you how we work through the testimonials of others.
Please note that the Bookings page is slightly different, however. It’s because the bookings page will have all three pages in one. It has all the packages included on this page already.
Step #4 – Service Page Details
So, you clicked one service, and it’s taking you to a service page.

The service page includes the duration of the work (2 hours on this sample image), the price ($100), and the location. Then you have the button to book, and the service description below it. Read everything carefully, then scroll down to see more photos of samples. Scrolling to the bottom, you’ll see the cancellation policy, and contact details of this service. Once you’re ready, simply click the “Book Now”.
Step #5 – Calendar and Work Duration

You’re finally on the calendar page. This is where you will book us to work on your creative needs. The duration of the time indicated per service means that it’ll take us this time to work and finish your project for the service you selected. You can book us as early as 6 hours later. So, you can expect to finish the work after the time you booked us with. Press the next button after this. In some services, you may not see the price unless you click next, because that service has an available plan you can choose.
Step #6 – Details and Summary

Add your details to this page. We will need your information to be verified and true. We have encountered fake people in more than a decade of running an animation studio, so for the safety of everybody, we require you to provide some customer details before booking a service. After you have provided valid details, feel free to press the pay now button.
We require booking services to be paid in full first before we start any work. This is to ensure that there are funds to make the work. This is clear regarding our Terms and Conditions and Services Policy. We may offer partial payment for custom orders, and we can send you an invoice for that directly to your email address. We just need you to contact us and discuss it further. Feel free to book a 20-minute session to discuss.
Step #7 – Checkout
For the payment page, you can choose either PayPal or Xendit. But we highly recommend the use of PayPal for faster processing. Simply click PayPal Checkout in yellow, and it’ll take you to the PayPal page to pay. You can also pay with a credit card or debit card through PayPal checkout, without the need to log in or create an account on PayPal.
Oh, don’t forget to add your promo code if you have any. You can see ads of promo codes available on the bookings pages.

Step #8 – After Sales
Once everything is paid for and done, then congratulations! You have officially booked us a service.
Only confirmed payments will be processed. We will only start the work for confirmed and fully paid (recurring or one-time upfront payment) bookings. We will email you further details about the project once we receive the confirmed payment.
The email you’ll receive from us will contain your order number, and that’s where we’ll start an email thread where we’ll send you updates on the work.
Step #9 – The Project
So, everything is paid, emails are received, and orders are confirmed. We’ll do the work on the schedule you booked us. We will be online to answer your questions as we work.
While working on the project, we give you a google drive link to see sketches or screenshots of the progress. This way you can immediately let us know if you need changes to the work.
But we understand that there may be revisions to the submission of the work. We provide up to two rounds of revision per order or booking. And this is all done through email thread as our main communication method. We’ll use wetransfer file transfer if the files are too large for email or google drive.
Step #10 – Submission
We’ll work on your project with all our might. Then, once everything is done, and according to the agreements, we’ll deliver the files for you, and then the order is closed.
You can leave us feedback by sending us an email or rating us here. Enjoy, and don’t forget to share your experience with others. You can also, by all means, order again! 🙂

If you need further questions about our policy, cancellation, portfolio use, and more please review here for more details.
I’m so glad you made it this far. Congratulations, and I’m so happy you enjoyed our work for more than a decade. We will shower you with love through illustrations and animations only here at PlayfulSparks Production BDP.
Sharing here our services. Subscribe to the site to get the latest information. And of course, follow us on all social media sites. We’re available and ready to help you!
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