A novel by Bemmygail

Red Stone: Synopsis
Embark on an enchanting adventure through an extraordinary realm filled with captivating creatures and mythical beings unlike any you have ever encountered before. Delve into the pages of this thrilling book and behold magnificent creatures such as a magnificent white bird, mystical red stone, brave warriors, princesses, and even mermaids. This remarkable collection of tales is a journey of the imagination, promising to spark the curiosity and wonder of readers of all ages. Get lost in the enchanting world of this book’s unforgettable characters, who are sure to leave a lasting impression and keep you entertained for hours on end.
Original story © Bemmygail
Chapter 1:
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The author is working so hard to entertain you with love stories! We are so excited to spread this wonderful and romantic story to everyone!
Order a copy of the first edition here: https://www.amazon.com/Red-Stone-Seven-Descendants-Shall-ebook/dp/B08MLLPJJR