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Request a Quote for Children's Book Illustration or Comic Book Creation

What kind of illustration do you need?
How many pages or pieces of illustration will you need?
What file size do you need.
Selected Value: 0
Drag the slider to choose the number of characters or figures you'd like for this project.
Please select as many as you need. Choose your preferred settings for your illustration.
What kind of files do you need to receive?
What will the output use for? Is it for printing (like paperback books), or for web, like ebooks?
These are separate services that we also offer once the illustrations are completed. For the book cover design, you will be provided with a front, back, spine format used for print and web versions. For the Book format, this will export your book file into usable publishing format, for print and ebook. Book trailer is a great way to market your book, excite your readers!
Please write your contact details so that we can contact you immediately. You may provide skype, WhatsApp, or messenger. We highly encourage you to provide a professional profile online as well. A URL of your LinkedIn would be preferred.
Please write other things you'd like to share. Include reference links, script or story, themes. You may also include here your questions.
This is for survey purposes only. This will help us manage our marketing and advertising efforts.
Please indicate your residence.
Selected Value: 0
How many rounds of revision do you like for this project?
Month, day, year
What is your budget for this project? Please type the amount in US Dollars.
PlayfulSparks Production Cover
PlayfulSparks Production BDP

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